Gael Scoil Aogáin Parents Association
Since its inception in 1995, our Parents’ Association has gone from strength to strength. Membership of the association is open to all parents or guardians of children enrolled in the school. A committee is elected each year at an A.G.M, usually held in September. The parents’ Association’s contribution towards school life is invaluable. Its members organise and support many extra-curricular activities both educational, social and recreational which greatly benefit our pupils.
By 2015 there were 185 gaelscoileanna at primary level in the 32 counties, outside of the Gaeltacht areas with approximately 45,000 children attending these schools. These children are part of a global bilingual movement. Between 60% and 65% of the world’s population are bilingual. More and more children are being educated through a second language in Europe. One of the great advantages of children learning a second at a very young age is that they can acquire native like pronunciations and complex linguistic systems with apparent ease. Research in this country shows that learning a second language does not adversely affect ability in the first language and that the first language can benefit.
School Books
A rental scheme is in operation in the school from Rang II to Rang VI. The purpose of this scheme is to keep parents expenses as low as possible. It also has the advantage that a far greater range of up-to-date textbooks are available to each pupil than would otherwise be the case if pupils directly purchased school textbooks.
Parents will appreciate that the management of a rental scheme which is for the benefit of parents and their children involves a considerable amount of organisation and control. It is also an additional burden on the school staff. Parent’s co-operation is essential.
Participation in the scheme requires parents to:
- If a book is damaged or lost—to replace it with a new one.
- To pay promptly for the books as no child will receive any books without prior payment.
An account is taken of all the books that are rented and their condition is monitored during the year. We have noted that some pupils take less than satisfactory care of the book. Accordingly, a few pupils may have to be disqualified from availing of the rental scheme.
Its continuation, therefore, depends on the co-operation received in its operation.
School Discipline
Each child coming to school has a right to expect an atmosphere where he/she can learn, play and feel safe. To ensure this right, a cope of discipline has been drawn up. A school code of discipline policy document is available to all parents. Copies are now available to all parents and must be signed by all.
This code was drawn up by the Principal and teaching staff, approved by the general body of parents and parents’ association and ratified by the board of Management.
The children are all aware of the rules and the type of behaviour which is acceptable and unacceptable. In general, most children respond well to these rules. They feel more secure and more confident in a situation where they know what is expected of them.
It is important to stress that school is a place where work is done and children are educated. It is not a minding service for children.
Discipline encompasses every aspect of school life. Correct attitudes towards homework, punctuality, wearing of school uniform, litter, respect for property are all important. Misbehaviour in the classroom or yard, bad language or bad manners will not be tolerated.
At all times respect for authority is expected. In the classroom situation, it is unacceptable that any pupil should disrupt the working of the class. Where continual disruption is caused, the disruptive child will have to be isolated or removed from the class so as not to deny the other children the right to learn.
Some parents may not be aware of disruptive effect that their child may have on a class. However, when made aware of this fact they should take steps to ensure that their child behaves in future and monitor his/her progress by supervising his/her homework diary for notes and visiting the school frequently.
Homework is very important for the education of each pupil. It revises and develops work already done in school and allows children to study at their own rate in their own surroundings. It promotes good work habits which will help in secondary school and in later life. This independence and acceptance of responsibility is a very important part of the child’s development.
Most parents are aware of the importance of homework and so take an active role in this aspect of their child’s education.
How you can help:
- Organise a definite time and place for doing homework each evening.
- Encourage your child to do his/her homework at a regular each evening, preferably early.
- Take an active interest in the homework and schoolwork your child is doing. This helps to make your child realise that school is very important. Ask questions about homework.
- Especially in Junior classes – help as much as possible.
- Listen to reading, spelling, tables etc.
- Check written work and encourage children to be neat and tidy and to have pride in their homework.
- Sign the homework diary when the work is completed.
- Sign and acknowledge any notes written by the class teacher/principal.
It is important to realise that any comments are written out of genuine concern for the child’s progress and behaviour.
Gael Scoil Aogáin Cumann na dTuismitheoirí
Ón am a bunaíodh an Cumann i 1995 is éachtach an tairbhe agus an neart a thionól sé don scoil. Tá cead ag gach tuismitheóir bheith in a ball. Tugtar coiste riartha gach blian i Mí Mhean Fomhair go h-iondúil. Tacaíonn baill an chumainn le móran imeachtaí a reachtáil don scoil idir cúrsai oideachas, spóirt, cúltur agus caitheamh aimsire. Baineann na scoláirí sar leas as na h-imeachtaí seo go léir.
Leabhair Scoile
Ta scéim cíosa i bhfeidhim sa scoil ó rang 2 go rang 6’. Is í aid hm na scéime seo ná costaisí na tuismitheora a choimead comh h-íseal agus is féidir. Buntaiste eile a bhaineann leis an scéim na go mbíonn ar chumas an dalta leabhair suas chun dáta a bheith acu, seachas iad a cheannach sa siopa. Tá comhoibrú na dtuismitheoiri riachtanach don scéim.
Riachtanaisí do Thuismitheoirí:
Bi cinnte go mbeidh clúdach ar an leabhar agus go mbeidh ainm an dalta go soiléir ar an gclúdach
Ma chailltear/scriostar leabhar ní miste ceann nua a fháil.
Íoc as an leabhar ar an toirt.
Coimeádfar cuntas faoi na leabhair. Tá sé tughta fé ndeara againn nach mbíonn daltaí áirithe sách curamach leo. Ar an abhar sin, ní foláir an scéim cíosa a cheilt ar bheagan daltaí as seo amach.
Ár an abhar sin braithfidh todhchaí na scéime ar an gcomhoibriú a bheas ar fail.
Disciplín Scoile
Ta sé de cheart ag gach dalta a fhreastalaíonn ar scoil atmasféar síochánta a bheith aici/aige. Dá bharr sin ta scéim smachta i bhfeidhm agus tá cóip den chód ar fail do gach tuismithéoir agus caithfidh said é a shíniú.
Chuir an Priomh Oide agus an Foireann teagaisc an Cód Smachta le cheile. Ghlac na tuismitheóirí agus a gComhairle chomh maith leis an mBord Bainistíocht leis.
Is eol do na dalataí go léir na rialacha a bhaineann le h-iompar sa scoil. Dé ghnath glactar go fonnmhar leo. Bíonn said níos sasúla agus cinnte le regime a bhfuil iontaoibh acu as.
Tá sé tabhachtach a thuiscint gur ionad oibre agus oideachais í an scoil. Ní seirbhís curaim í do scoláiri. Baineann smacht le gach gné de shaol na scoile. Tá gach gné den scoil riachtanach – obair bhaile, trathúlacht, caitheamh an chulaith chóir, bruscar agus meas ar an bhfoirgneamh. Níl droch-iompar, baoth chaint nó droch bheasái inghlachta ar chor ar bith.
Obair Bhaile
Is gné tabhachtach an obair bhaile maidir le h-oideachas dalta ar bith. Cuireann sé le toradh na h-oibre a dhéantar ar scoil agus tugann sé deis don duine staidéar a dheanamh sa bhaile. Gan amhras cothaíonn se dea nosanna a chabhróidh go treán lei/leis sa mhean scoile agus sa saol amuigh anseo.
- Tuigeann formhór de na tuismitheóiri tabhacht na h-oibre bhaile.
- Conas is féidir leat-sa cabhrú?
- Bíodh trath agus ionad don obair bhaile. Féach leis go mbeidh an obair ar bun.
- Féach chuige go mbeidh spéis agat in imeachtai do linbh.
- Bíodh spéis agat i ngach a bhaineann le h-obair bhaile agus uile. Cuir ceisteanna faoin obair.
- Éist le léamh, litriú agus bun matamaitic.
- Scrúdaigh an obair go rialta.
- Sínigh d’ainm leis an dialann obair bhaile nuair a bhíonn an obair críochnaithe.
- Tabhair aitheantas do nótaí a bhíonn scríofa ag muinteoir nó Priomh Oide.
Ní miste leis, go mbeidh an tuiscint ann gur ar mhaitheas an dalta a mholtar na rialacha seo.