Phone: 066 7143635
Mission Statement
To Provide a Quality Childcare Service in a Safe Child-Friendly Environment at an affordable price to promote Social Inclusion and to Foster Cultural Awareness through the Medium of Irish.
Admissions Policy Statement
The Policy of Naíonra Gaelscoil AogáinTeo. is to provide a quality childcare service, to include all sectors of the Community regardless of race, religion, marital or family status, culture or disability.
We operate an open door policy to welcome parents/carers to our service at all times.
We are a Community not-for-profit Childcare Facility.
- We avail of the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme is designed to give children access to a free pre-school year of appropriate programme-based activities in the year before they start primary school. Participation in a pre-school programme provides children with their first formal experience of early learning, the starting-point of their educational and social development outside the home
- We avail of CCS grants which is a subvention grant which supports disadvantaged parents and parents in low paid employment and training or education, to avail of the service at a reduced rate.
- We avail of TEC which is to support parents on eligible training courses and eligible categories of parents returning to work, by providing subsidised childcare places.
The TEC Programmes are:
Childcare Education and Training Support programme (CETS)
The CETS Programme formerly catered for FAS and VEC training course participants and now provides childcare on behalf of the Local Education and Training Boards.
After-School Child Care programme (ASCC)
The ASCC is administered on behalf of the Department of Social Protection (DSP) and provides afterschool care for primary school children for certain categories of working parents and parents on DSP employment programmes (not including Community Employment).
Community Employment Childcare programme (CEC)
The CEC is administered on behalf of the Department of Social Protection (DSP) and provides childcare for children of parents who are participating on Community Employment schemes.
Opening hours for the centre is 8.30am – 6pm, Monday to Friday.
We are opened for 38 weeks of the year for preschool and 48 weeks of the year for Afterschool/Camps.
Preschool opening hours are 9.10 – 12.10 pm Monday to Friday inclusive.
Cost per session is €11, with no payment due for Bank Holidays.
This service is available free of charge to those children availing of the ECCE grant.
Families that are not entitled to an ECCE grant may be entitled to a subvention grant.
Fees are to be paid weekly on the first day of the child attending.
Fees are to be paid for the days the child is registered for regardless if the child is unable to attend class.
The preschool children wear a uniform which we source and sell at cost price.
The children are entitled to stay until 1.50pm each day as our service is registered as a part time service. There is a fee of €4 per day for these extra hours.
After School Service
We also provide an Afterschool service to school going children.
The After/School Hours are 1.50pm – 6pm and 2.50pm – 6pm, Monday to Friday inclusive.
The children are given a hot snack to eat at 3 o’clock.
Cost per session is €11. There is a discount for families eligible for the CCS grant.
The children are supervised by staff while they do their homework.
After homework, children are given the opportunity to relax and unwind after their day at school.
Children also get the opportunity to play outdoors and to do different indoor activities such as Arts & Crafts and board games etc. They may just want to sit down comfortably and read or talk to their friends.
We run camps for 10 weeks of the year.
Summer Camps 7 weeks.
Halloween Camps 1 week
Easter camps 2 weeks.
These camps are open to children from 4years to 13 years old.