Leabhar Liosta Naíonáin Shóisireacha 2021-2022
Gaeilge: Bua na Cainte A Workbook
Béarla: Reading Zone Infant level (Folens)
- Reading Zone Activity Book for Readers 1-3 Selected Activities
(Please note that this is one book)
- Just Write A1 (Introduction to joined script and cursive writing) EDCO
- Folens- Sounds Makes Words-(Yellow)phonological awareness
- Folens-Sounds make words Junior infants 42 sounds
Matamaitic: Mata Beo (Naíonáin Shóisireacha) – Folens
Teagasc Críostaí: Grow in Love Junior Infants Primary 1 Workbook
Please send in: 3 x Pritt stick (1 to be kept at home for homework)
1 x Colouring Books (Labelled with Child’s name)
1 Whiteboard Marker
1 packet baby wipes (sensitive)
Essential items to have every day: Labelled pencil case & crayons (not colouring pencils)
Total payable: €45 to be paid into the school account(details attached)
- (Pencils,sharpners etc will be provided by the school)
It covers the following:
School Insurance
Book Rental (cios); – All readers are rented from the school
Ealaín (art)
Copies and other school supplies (All copies, folders, notebooks & writing workbooks & S.A.L.F (Self-Assessment Learning Folder) will be supplied by class teacher to ensure all children have the same)
- Please label clearly ALL school supplies and clothing.
- Schoolbag must be able to hold Jumper, A4 Folder & Lunchbox
- No bags with wheels please
Leabharliosta Naíonáin Mhóra 2021-2022
Teagasc Criostaí:
- Grow in Love Workbook for Senior Infants Primary 2
- Sounds make WORDS -Phonological Awareness Book (Yellow) (Folens)
- “ Sounds in Action” Senior Infants (Folens)
Mata: Mata Beo Naíonáin Shinsearacha Folens
Master Your Maths Senior Infants (Fallons)
*English readers to be rented from the school.
*Irish Readers “ “ “ “ “ “
- 1 A3 Mesh Wallet
- A4 Art Pad
- 4 x Pritt Stick
- 3 x Whiteboard Markers (Black or Red)
- 2 colouring books (Labelled with Child’s name)
- 1 packet of sensitive baby wipes
- Photograph of the child as a baby & as a toddler (please write the name on the back of each photograph)
- Please make sure that all drinks are closed properly in your child’s bag every day to avoid spillages & ruining books.
- Please label clearly all belongings (Jumpers, sweatshirts etc)
- Shoes & Sneakers with Velcro if possible.
- Please note that the School bag must be able to hold jumper, A4 folder & lunchbox & drink. (A lot of school bags are too small)
- No School Bags with Wheels please.
School Monies: Total €45 to be paid into the school account
This money covers the following: Fototcóip, Ealaín, Pencils, erasers, crayons, Book Rental (Cíos), Insurance, Folders & Copies, Jolly Phonics word book,2 scrapbooks & 2 Just handwriting books are all provided by the teacher.
Leabharliosta Rang 1 2021-2022
Béarla: Oral Language Programme Response Book First Class CJ Fallon
Reading Zone Combined Reading + Activity Book 3 : Two Little Frogs Folens
(Readers available on school book rental scheme)
Spell Well 1 CJ Fallon
Gaeilge: Céim r Chéim 1 CJ Fallon
Léigh sa Bhaile A CJ Fallon
(Leabhair Léitheoireachta ar fáil ón scoil)
Mata: Mata Draíochta 1 CJ Fallon
Master your Maths 1 CJ Fallon
Table Toppers 1 CJ Fallon
OSIE/OSPS An Domhan Beag Seo Rang a hAon CJ Fallon
Creideamh: Grow in Love Workbook for 1st Class
3 x 32 page 15A Project Book
(Top blank bottom ruled)
1 x 88 page C3 Sum Copy.
Pencils & pencil pointer & eraser
Colouring pencils / crayons.
2 x Pritt Stick. (Labelled with names on them)
1 x A4 Folder with plastic pockets.
1 Large Scrap Book – (big enough for A3 pictures)
1 packet of baby wipes
Available on Rental – no need to buy
*Lee Strand will provide a Free homework Journal
*Please Cover all books with a transparent cover and have child’s name printed clearly on front cover.
*Please label clearly all belongings (Jumpers, sweater-shirts, coats. Lunchbox, pencils)
* Please make sure all drinks are closed properly in your Childs bag everyday to avoid spillages and ruining books.
Leabharliosta Rang 2 –2021-2022
- Fuaimeanna agus Focail do Rang 2 (Folens)
- Spell Well 2 CJ Fallons
- ”The Green Genie” (Folens) Second Class Activity Book
- ”The Grumpy Teaspoon”, 2nd class (Folens) (Activity Book 1)
- My Read At Home 2 CJ Fallon
- Rainbow English Programme Oral Language Response Book 2nd Class CJ Fallon
- Mata Draíochta 2
- Table Toppers 2 CJ Fallon
- Master Your Maths 2 CJ Fallons
- Grow in Love Workbook for 2nd class
Any child presenting for First Confession & First Communion should send in a copy of their baptismal certificate to school by Sept 20th.
- An Domhan Beag Seo rang a Dó CJ Fallon
The following to be rented from the school in September.
English Readers (1), Gaeilge (2) Grow in Love (1)
Also the following will be needed:
1 sum copy
4 x 88 page copies
2 X Project Copy (Code 15 A) 40 page
2 Display Folders – 40 pages
2 pencils, ruler, pencil pointer, eraser, crayons or markers, pritt stick, 2 red pens
2 A4 Scrapbooks
Leabhar Liosta Rang 3 – 2021-2022
*Dictionary: English/Irish
Irish/English Purple Cover (An Comhlacht Oideachais)
Béarla: *English Dictionary (The Oxford Primary School)
New Treasury 3 (Folens)
*Read at Home 3 Fallons
Mata: *Mata Draíochta 3
*Master your Maths 3 CJ Fallons
*Leabhar Táblaí
Cóipleabhair: 10 x 88 page copies (with margin)
3 x Sum Copies
2 x Nature study Copies
2 x A5 Hardcover copy
2 x Scrap Book
1 x A4 Hardback
Extras: 2 Large Pritt Stick,Rialóir,Ruibéar,Pencil,Pointer,Peann Luaidhe,Pinn Daite nó Maircerí, Réd Biro , A4 Binder.
The following will be rented from the school in September.
*Irish Readers
*English readers * Novels
*Timpeall an Domhain
*Lee Strand will provide a free homework Journal
Leabhar Liosta Rang 4 2021-2022
Foclóir Gaeilge/Béarla – Béarla/Gaeilge
Béarla: New Treasury 4 (Folens)
English Dictionary
Read at Home 4
Mata: Mata Draíochta 4
Master your Maths 4 (CJ Fallons)
Leabhar Táblaí
Ceol: Feadóg Stáin “D”
Cóipleabhair: 10 x 88 page
1 x A4 Hard cover copies
2 x Hardcover notebooks A5
4 x Maths Copies (88 page)
Extras: 2 Large Pritt Stick, Rialóir, Ruibéar, Pencil Pointer, Red Biros,
Peann Luaidhe, Pinn Daite nó Maircéirí,A4 Binder,3 Scrapbooks.
- Please ensure that all belongings are clearly labelled
The following to be rented from the school in September
Irish Readers
English Readers
Timpeall an Domhain
Novel (Béarla + Gaeilge)
Inis Dom
Leabhar Liosta Rang V 2021-2022
Gaeilge: Focloir Gaeilge/Béarla, Béarla/Gaeilge
Béarla: New Treasury 5 (Folens)
English Dictionary
Read at Home 5 (CJ Fallons)
Mata: Mata Draíochta 5
Maths Challenge 5 (Folens)
Leabhar Táblaí
Ceol: Feadóg Stáin “D”
Cóipleabhair: 10 x 88 page
2 x A4 Hard Cover Copy
4 x Maths Copies (88 pages)
1 x A5 Hardcover Notebooks
1 x Scrapbook.
1 X A3 Mesh Folder
Extras: 1 Large Pritt Stick, Rialóir, Ruibéar, Pencil, Pointer,
Peann Luaidhe, Pinn Dáite nó Maircéirí, Red, Blue and
Black biro. A4 Display Book (40 page), Mathematical Set.
The following to be rented from the school in September.
Irish Readers
English Readers
English & Irish Novels
Timpeall an Domhain
Leabhar Liosta Rang V1 2021-2022
- Gaeilge: Foclóir Gaeilge / Béarla, Béarla / Gaeilge
- Béarla: New Treasury 6 (Folens)
English Dictionary
Read at Home 6 (CJ Fallon)
- Mata: Mata Draíochta 6
Maths Challenge 6 (Folens)
- Tír Eolais: Where on Earth? Geography Activities 6th Class (Folens)
- Ceol: Feadóg stáin “D”
- Cóipleabhair: 12 x 88 page
3 x Maths copies 88 page
2 x Hardcover Copy A5
1 x Hardcover Notebook A4
1 x Scrapbook
Extras: Premier Activity A4 (65gsm) Tracing paper Pad (30 Sheets)
(€2.95 in
A4 Binder (for handouts / songs etc.)
1 Large Pritt Stick, Ruler, Eraser, Pencil Pointer, Pencils,
Biros (Blue / Black / Red) Markers or Colouring Pencils
Mathematical Set.
The following to be rented from the school in September.
Gaeilge – Draíocht 2, English Readers, Religion,
Timpeall an Domhain, Novels